Friday, April 24, 2009

Making Money Online With Paid To Click Sites

There are a ton of sites and blogs out there that try pushing paid to click sites down your throat, inflating their earnings and glorifying certain sites in the hopes that you will join using their referral link. The reason they do this is so that they can make money off of your hard work. I have created this blog to help people learn how to use paid to click sites to actually make a large amount of money online and that its not as hard as you may think. To prove that I am genuinely here to help you and not use you, any and all of the sites that I will be reviewing here will be rated honestly and fairly and I will only use direct links to these sites. I will not be making any money whether you sign up or not. There is no incentive for me to push any of these sites on you. Why would I do this? There are so many new comers to the "paid to click game" every day and there are so many sites out there that we can all make money. I am doing this in hopes that in time this blog can be a way point for sharing information and place where we can all help each other.

Ok, So What Is A Paid To Click Site?

Paid to click sites are a very simple concept, basically you view ads and click on them and that's how you get paid. For years I tried signing up for hundreds of these sites spending hours at my computer and coming out with nothing. The problem with paid to click sites is that the amount of money you get per click is extremely low and the pay out is usually so high that it would take weeks to earn enough to get paid. I wasted so much time using paid to click sites improperly, until one day I finally realized that I was going about it all wrong.

Residual Income

The only way to make any real money from these sites is through residual income. Residual income is an income stream that is steady and automatic. This means that once you create this income stream it will automatically make you money every week without having to do any more work. You will build your residual income stream through your referral links.

Referring Members

The way that I have been using these sites to make money online is through referrals. Basically, I sign up for as many sites with good referral systems as I can and start advertising them using my referral link. You may bethinking that this is a waste of time but its not. I make over $1,000.00 per month and I don't click on a single ad. Once you referral signs up you start to earn money for anything they do on that site. If your referral click ads, you make money. If your referral gets a referral, you make money. If you referral gets a referral and that referral clicks ads, you make money. All of these small amounts of money add up really quickly. I call it the paid to click snowball effect.

The Snowball Effect

So what is the snowball effect? Lets say you sign up for five sites and each of these sites have a three tier referral program. Once signed up you advertise you referral link and five people join. You are now making money on everything these five people do. These five people get five referrals and their referrals get five more referrals, you are now making money off of the work of over 125 people. The best part is, once this happens they have now become your residual income. Yes, it may not always work out as perfectly as that and people may give up and stop working the paid to click system. That's why you keep advertising. The more you push your referral link the more people will join under you and the more money you will make.

Where Do I Advertise?

This is something that you have to learn on your own over time. Everything and anything is fair game, forums, blogs, Yahoo Answers, start a blog and use your referral link when you advertise sites, tell your friends and family, etc.... Just keep pushing and you will earn money. Remember to picture a snow ball, you need to keep rolling that ball around to make it grow bigger.

As I said before I am making over $1,000.00 per month right now but I've only been using my system for about three months. Every day and every week my residual income grows, who know how much can be made?

I will begin posting all the sites I am using and any other sites I come across, so keep checking back to see what I've found. Please, feel free to email me or leave a comment with any questions you may have, I am here to help.

Good Luck,


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